Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Introduction to healthy living: My personal choices:

This will just be an introduction into things I like to implement into my diet. I love green tea and white tea (and other healthy teas) and have done for a very long time, so this isn't new, this is something I have had in place for years. I actually like to mix green tea and white tea together into a mug, so I get the best of both worlds. It's well known that these kind of teas are better for you than ordinary tea, with better benefits for your body/health.

These are the teas I am currently using, I have tried others as well in the past. I love the fact that the white tea is organic and has unbleached bags. I love green tea with added lemon, but I also like it on its own. Its not for everyone, and some people will hate the taste, but I think its tastes lovely. you can alter the strength, but I tend to let it soak until its quite strong until I remove the tea bags. On average I have between 2-6 cups of this a day, along with my usual water which is another staple in my diet.

I notice huge benefits in my skin when I drink this religiously over a period of time, my skins clearer and has a glow to it. You do go to the toilet a bit more with this, but I really don't mind, as I know I'm flushing my system with goodness. I've read that white tea helps speed up metabolism but I cant say if this is true or not. Green tea also has a lot of benefits, which I wont ramble on about but its easily researched on google etc.

Drinking this tea may not be right for some people for a variety of reasons, but it works for me, this is just my personal feelings on it (just something I like to include into daily fluids to keep hydrated). You should read up on it before you try it out, I'm not a health expert or anything like that, just make sure its right for you first before you try it out.

I don't add anything to it, just drink it straight from the cup. Some people like to add honey but I just keep it simple. Its got enough flavor in it for me. I have another post coming up that includes something I've recently added to my diet, which shall be posted after this one.

Sometimes it can be little changes that add a big difference overall. I did my research on teas way back, and its always good to read up on things and educate yourself on small things, something which I love to do. If I have normal tea with milk and sugar I have to add sugar, and I love it sweet, which is bad! So I tend to drink that very little. When I'm putting something good into my body I feel better about myself.

That's all for this short and simple post! Let me know if you have tried teas like this, and what benefits you have seen by doing so.

More coming very soon,

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